Associate Principals' Report

Mid Year Exams
Exams and tests are something we need to undertake at various times in our life. They provide us with the chance for us to focus our learning and allow for our knowledge and understanding to be tested. I have actually met a few people who enjoy the chance to show how well they can perform under pressure (but not many). However, for most students they are not something they enjoy or look forward. Nerves and anxiety can affect the way we prepare for and perform in exams. Preparation is a key to doing your best in any test or exam. If you do not methodically revise, get help with areas of weakness or misunderstanding, complete practice questions to understand the format why would you expect to do well in any exam or test? Staff will be working with their students to support their preparation and improve their understanding of how to demonstrate their knowledge under pressure.
We are rapidly moving towards the end of semester one and the first exam period this year for students in Year 9, 10, 11 and 12. We have the mid-year General Achievement Test (GAT) for all VCE students undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject on the 9th June. This is an important part of the assessment process used to develop their final VCE results. Year 11s will sit their Unit 1 subject exams between the 3rd and 8th June. Year 10 and Year 9 students will sit for their first semester subject exams between 10th and 18th June. Given the Covid effected year in 2020 for many of these students, it will be their first experience of being tested under exam conditions.
Stay positive, do the work and start your preparation now. As Benjamin Franklin said ”by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.
Paul Donaldson
Associate Principal
Teaching and Learning
We are pleased to announce that changes are happening at a rapid pace across the entire school. Some of these changes include the redevelopment of the FHS Instructional Model, restructuring of the Professional Learning Communities and working with staff as we undertake lesson observations and walk-throughs. These lesson observations are undertaken by experienced, senior teachers who assist their colleagues and provide constructive feedback to further improve their teaching and learning. In addition, we will begin to examine the school’s curriculum to ensure that students are provided with the most stimulating and engaging subjects. This review process will take most of 2021 and will ensure the 2022 Year 7-10 cohort have a well-rounded and engaging curriculum. Progress reports will be provided at regular intervals.
Professional Development Day
The staff Professional Development Day will be held on 18 May 2021. This is a student free day that will provide staff with time to work on reviewing the school’s Vision and further developing the School Wide Positive Behaviour strategies. It is a day that involves robust conversations and staff finalising decisions that will positively impact the teaching and learning of our students at the school.
2021 Presentation Ball
After a year of disappointments and cancellation of key events, we are pleased to announce that the 2021 Fairhills High School Presentation Ball will be held in May. This is an important feature of the school’s social calendar. Our Year 11 and 12 students, with their partners, have been practicing their dance routines for weeks and will be looking forward to being presented to The Hon. Nick Wakeling at The Grand on Cathies Lane, Wantirna. Staff will be in attendance and we all look forward to watching the presentation of these young men and women and chatting to members of the school’s community.
Karen Dean
Associate Principal