
Resources for Courses – Careers Expo
On Friday the 30th of April, Year 11 and 12 students attended the Resources for Courses careers expo at Caulfield Racecourse.
This was a fantastic opportunity for students to research possible courses and collect resources to help them in their decision making.
The decisions surrounding transition from school into the wider community are complex and this event highlights to students to tremendous amount of choice they have available.
Students and families are reminded that all of the tertiary study providers will be having information sessions, virtual tours and some will be having face to face events. Students are encouraged to follow up this event by attending or logging into these sessions to assist them in making their final decisions.
Careers on Webex
This term we will be running a series of Careers events via Webex to inform and support families in the complex decision making in relation to Careers.
These sessions will be targeted at specific year levels and focus on the Careers program particular to that cohort:
Year 12 – VCE / Careers information session – 13 May 7.30pm
Year 11 - VCE / Careers information session – 13 May 6.30pm
Year 10 – The 2021 Work experience program – This session has already run on 22 April.
Year 9 – Career Insights / Morrisby Testing – 8 June 6.30pm
Year 8 – Talking Careers and starting a Career Action Plan – 18 May 6.30pm
Year 7 - Talking Careers and starting a Career Action Plan – 18 May 6.30pm
All sessions will be advertised via Compass and the Webex link communicated via Compass in the week of the event.
Come along and hear about the Careers program here at Fairhills and find out how families can support students in their decision making and planning.
Liz Rundle
VET and Careers Pathway Manager