Upper Primary Learning

Term 1
Here we are at the end of first term. It feels like yesterday that it was the end of day one but we blinked and here we are 10 weeks later. Time flies!!!!!!
Most students had an easy transition to the new school year with students continuing in the section moving to new grades with new teachers and or peers. Some student's moved up to ‘the big school’ from Lower Primary and new students to the school from other schools.
We were only a few weeks into the term, when we were thrown into a short, sharp lockdown. Since then it has been a very busy term.
We managed to have our camp to Ocean Grove but because of COVID we were limited in the number of students that we were able to take on the camp. The students that did attend the camp had a wonderful time. It was a very successful camp.
Other highlights this term have been the Electives program, the swimming program, lunch clubs: Lego, Library, Dance and Technology. We also had the incursion from Alpha Theatre which the students absolutely loved.
Last week we celebrated ‘Harmony day’. The students were totally engaged in all activities on the day and had a great time. Thanks to Sadhana for organising the day.
Thank you to all Parents/Carers for all your support and co-operation this term. We look forward to hopefully a very settled Term 2.
Stay safe and well. Have a great Easter and term one break.
Chris Norman
Team Leader