Year 1 News 

Year 1 – Term 2 Happenings

The Year One students have made a great to start to Term 2 with the highlight being the commencement of a new Unit of Inquiry exploring how “People Express Themselves Through Stories”.


Week 1 saw the Year 1 students visit the CAFÉ focus of fluency: “Read with expression and pacing”. We discussed fluency and the importance of reading with appropriate expression and pacing. 


The students engaged enthusiastically in a role play of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. The children formed groups, rehearsed and acted out the story dressed in face masks representing each character. The role plays were a huge success as you can see by the photographs.

This week we have continued the CAFÉ focus of fluency. The children have been thoroughly immersed in the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. We listened to the story, read the big book and then formed groups and rehearsed the rap song “Three Bear Rap”. 


The students were then engaged in a brief introduction to the language of persuasive writing and asked to write a piece convincing their audience that Goldilocks is either good or bad.  


Please click/tap here to watch our video 


 Reading at Home

We would like to encourage each Year 1 student to continue their daily reading of take home books. We ask that each night you record your child’s reading in their reading journal. We also encourage your child to access the levelled books on Wushka throughout each school week and to complete the comprehension quiz at the end of each book.


We are in the midst of testing each Year 1 student on the Magic 100 and Magic 200 Words. We ask that you help your child to learn the Magic Words at home to help compliment the learning in the classroom. 


Magic 100 Words are the most common words in English and are the most important words in learning to read and write. Magic 100 Words make up half of all the words in reading and writing. Learning the Magic Words will rapidly improve your child’s reading, increase fluency, develop comprehension and enhance spelling and writing.