OSHC NEWS 29 April 


Our fortnight in photos: 







Cooking Club

This week in Cooking Club the students learnt about, tasted and cooked with feijoa fruit. Whilst most of our students and educators had never heard of feijoas, one of our parents commented that in New Zealand it is common to stew them in sugar and serve with ice-cream! The distinctive smell and taste definitely made for some interesting discussion! Read Jessica B recount below: 

“Yesterday in cooking club we made feijoas jam, when we first looked at the fruit the colour was yellow/orange and by the time we finished making the jam, it was green. To make it, we had to peel the skin off the feijoa fruit and we had to slice it and then cook it on the stove. It was such a fun day.” - Jessica Bell, 2D






Term 2 Sports Program at OSHC 

Just a reminder that Sports Star Academy are offering two sports this term through OSHC, we have basketball on Tuesday nights and tennis on Wednesday nights beginning 4 May.  Please see Compass post dated April 22 for more information on costs and how to book in.   


*** Just a reminder that you need to be booked into after school care to be able to book into the sports programs. 




Please don’t be offended if we ask you for photo identification when collecting your child / children from OSHC. We currently have over 220 families using our program each with multiple ‘authorised persons’ who may collect their child making it very difficult for educators to remember who is supposed to be picking up who. Although we understand that this may inconvenience you, please remember this is for the safety of YOUR child and we would appreciate your understanding in this matter. 


Quote of the fortnight:

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old…. we grow old because we stop playing” – George Bernard Shaw 



As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly, Amanda or Tamara or send Kelly an email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au