School News

Infants Excursion

Last Thursday,  staff and students from Kindergarten and Stage 1 travelled to Moree to visit the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre.  View photos of the day below.


Coin Trail

Last Friday 8 November, our St Joseph's Mini Vinnies group hosted a coin trail to raise money for drought relief. The day was a huge success, where the school raised a total of $321.20.


A big thank you to all those who donated and congratulations to Andrews for the longest trail!


Peaceful Kids Program

This week our Peaceful Kids session focused on ‘The body, brain and worrying’ and how our bodies are affected when we worry- The ‘smoke alarm’.


Using plasticine we made a ‘brain’  creatively including the ( smoke alarm) amygdala and the (thinking brain) prefrontal cortex so we could discover which parts of the brain control our emotions.


We learnt that by regularly practising ‘mindfulness’ helps the mind and body to relax, it switches off the ‘smoke alarm’ and helps us to stay more relaxed. It also ‘tunes’ us into our bodies so we can experience how we are feeling and label how we are feeling with an emotion.


Mrs Elise Baird

Student Support Teacher


Planting Sunflowers

This week during Peaceful Kids we planted Sunflower seedlings after discussing the Plant Metaphor. Our plants can remind us to nourish ourselves and to practice mindfulness. 


Mrs Elise Baird

Student Support Teacher