Fees Update

Fees Update

Dear Families

Due to the high volume of phone calls we have received regarding fee payments, in particular, parents wanting to come into the office and pay fees by credit card, we have made the following update.

In line with COVID 19 recommendations, and in keeping the traffic to the office at a minimum, especially as the office is only open two days during the week, we ask for your continued support and patience.


If you have fallen into hardship and need to discuss a payment plan for your fees, please email the Principal, Margaret Carlei directly on principal@santglen.catholic.edu.au


If you wish to discuss any other aspect of your fees, such as receiving a copy of your fees statement,  we ask that you email the office at office@santglen.catholic.edu.au   


If you wish to make a payment we encourage you to use the preferred mode of payment EFT (Electronic Fees Transfer).


The details you need are :

Account Name : St Anthony's Primary School

Bank : National Australia Bank

BSB : 083347

Account Number : 657736581

Reference : Fees account number or Family Name

Please ensure you email the office and advise of payment

Thank you again for your continued support. 

Kathy and Liz 

Administration Officers