From the Principal


School Values : Faith, Respect, Excellence, Inclusion, Empathy

Dear Parents

I hope that you are all well and that your perseverance is being maintained at a higher that usual level.

I can’t believe how things have changed over the last two weeks since Distance Learning started.  I have been so impressed with how our students have embraced the new mode of learning and have adapted to take on the new style with a positive outlook and at the same time gaining more confidence each day.  They have had to take on new platforms such as Seesaw, Hapara for our senior students, Nessy and be responsible for their own Gmail account to say the least. 

Such powerful learning and self-direction have been developed with undoubted help from their teachers and especially the parents who have also had to be a step ahead of their children.   I was a little chuffed to have to email one of our Prep students his Learning Plan for the week and send it to his school’s Gmail account.    

The staff greatly appreciate the time that you are giving your children so that their work is completed whilst acknowledging that you may also be working.



Next week is Week 5 and has been declared a Wellbeing Week for students, parents and staff so teaching and learning will be a little different.  The Distance Learning Plans will be more flexible and involve themes for each day: GIVE, BE ACTIVE, CONNECT, TAKE NOTICE, KEEP LEARNING.  Everyone has embraced the new way of learning with great vigor and for many of us it has been a 24/7 job trying to balance school, work and personal health. 

The tasks that will be shared for next week will be user friendly, child and parent engaging and a great deal less focused on outcomes but rather on celebrating the personal best in family members.

The teachers will share English and Maths activities alongside child friendly activities that will create the opportunities to wind down and relax.  Wednesday is deemed a total Wellbeing Day  with a selection of tasks and activities that can be enjoyed with as many of the family members that are prepared to give them a go. 

More information is available on our Wellbeing page.



Our School Captains have come up with an idea for developing a Student Newsletter so that students can stay connected and learn more about what one another are doing while participating in distance learning. Please watch the video which was posted on SeeSaw which has a special message from Marley and Sally which tells you all about the newsletter and how your family can be a part of it.



I wish all the mothers or special people in our lives a happy day this Sunday where you all get the chance to be a little bit spoilt.  This Sunday will be a very different one where the impact of COVID-19 stops us from gathering together to celebrate Mothers’ Day, however, I hope that there will be time for you all to be shown the appreciation of what motherhood really entails.    Happy Mother's Day!

Yours faithfully


Margaret Carlei



A Mother's Day Blessing

Blessed is the Mother

Who lets the Lord be her guiding hand

Whose faith brings her family courage

Whose wisdom comes from God,

and whose children still stand and honour her