Performing Arts

15 October


It's great news that the students will slowly be returning to school. I'm looking forward to seeing the students. This coming week, I will be teaching on-site, the grade 1s and 2s on Thursday this week. All other classes will be online. For grades 3/4 and 5/6s their will be a fun competition online this week. Then the following week (starting the 25 October) I will see everyone.


Every Friday morning starting on the 29 October, I will be in during the morning to practise small groups for the production. Hopefully to record sometime in November. Thank you once again to those students, who have recorded at home, just in case it can't go ahead. Unfortunately we can't do this production next year, due to most students being in their last year of primary school and the license for the production is for 12 months.


I'm so proud of all the students showing the school value of responsibility by organising the recording at home to be done. Well done.


Could I please see the following production students online this Tuesday (19 October) at 1:30 on the Production Google Classroom:


Kai O.

Sadie J.

Rosalie A.

Archie A.

Sophie B


Online Learning


As online learning draws to a close, I can hear parents celebrating from here!!! I just wanted to thank parents for their support in having the students complete the lessons online (here's hoping that's the end of it!). It's not an easy task to get your child online and you have done an exceptional job. I appreciate it, as it takes a long time finding a fun activity for the students to do online and to then record the videos so thank you!


Here is some work from the 3/4s this week. There is body percussion and then those who took up the challenge of changing the words to Three Blind Mice and making them rhyme:


by Joel K.

by Charlie R.

by Reilly M.

by Melody S.


Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions, via email: