Remote Learning Foundation (Prep)

Thank you

We would like to thank all the Prep students for their hard work and resilience throughout this period of remote learning. We are so proud of what you have all achieved. It has been so enjoyable to see your happy faces each morning, but we can't wait to see you all in person next term.


We would also like to thank the wonderful parents! We could not have done this without you and we really appreciate the time and effort you have put into supporting the children with their lessons. The communication between home and school has never been so  important and we are grateful to everyone for being so approachable and flexible. 


Every day we have enjoyed looking at the children's work and have marvelled at their creativity. 


We wish everyone a safe, relaxing and happy holidays.

Mrs Verga and Mrs Callaway



Solomon - PC
Arlo - PC
Kai - PC
Solomon - PC
Arlo - PC
Kai - PC
Nina - PC
Piper - PC
Lila - PC
Nina - PC
Piper - PC
Lila - PC


August - PV
Emma - PV
Ezra - PV
August - PV
Emma - PV
Ezra - PV


Lucy - PV
Maddison - PV
Paddy - PV
Lucy - PV
Maddison - PV
Paddy - PV