
Well done Ron, Rishan and Asher!


Ron X (Year 7)

On the 26th of August, Ron participated in the programming contest known as the AIO (Australian Informatics Olympiad) which allows all students across Australia to participate. It is a competition held by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), who also host the AMC which all students of our school take part in. The AIO is also a highly regarded and only programming competition on national level in Australia. 

He scored 405 points in the intermediate division, which is for years 10 and under. He won the silver medal and I was only 35 points away from gold. The highest score possible was 600 points. What an amazing result despite it being Ron's first time participating in the compeition and he learnt to program by himself only this year!




Rishan D (Year 7)

In August Rishan entered an international competition called SEAMO (South-east Asian Mathematical Olympiad). The results were released this week and Rishan actually came 2nd in Australia and was in the top 8% of competitors in the world. He received a gold medal! He now has a chance to enter the SEAMO X competition in January next year.  






Asher A (Year 7)

Asher participated in the recent 'ESTEAM Summit', which is a STEM competition based upon pioneering, sustainability and technological advancement. Last week it was announced he had won 1st prize in the 'Space' category for his science project (designing a house on Mars with its own breathable air through compressed CO2). 





Amazing work guys, well done!