Welcome Back!

Back Together

On the day we welcomed staff and students back to our wonderful campus, a delicious breakfast was served and a chance to catch up, reconnect and enjoy being together again. 


Thank you to the amazing Mary Hunt who organised and set up such a special occasion, where staff who could safely reunite. 


After a challenging few months of jumping back and forth from 'online' to 'in-person' learning, we are excited to officially welcome students back on campus. The Huntingtower community has truly shown such amazing resilience this year. We have immense gratitude for all staff, students, families and parents for your support. Despite announcements and restrictions changing weekly, we hope to have the whole school back together after the mid term break - Wednesday, November 3rd is when everyone will return!


We have certainly missed catching up with friends and peers, and hearing a buzz of activity and laughter again.  It's great to be back at school!




Thank you Mary!

Enjoying life back on campus!


Year 8s first day back cooking!

Jayne Dickson
Head of Food Tech




Onsite PE with the Year 8s playing European handball!

Mia Busby
PE Teacher