From the Library 

The Library is Open!

We are very excited to announce that the library has re-opened for students and staff. Students are required to sign in and sanitize hands on entry. 


Our opening hours are 8.15 am – 4pm every day, apart from Wednesdays in week A when we close at 3.30pm. We are also open at recess and lunch time every day,  (students are asked to eat their lunch outside prior to entry).  Any changes due to special events will be advertised. 


New Titles

We have added many new titles for loan whilst we've been in remote learning, including fiction, graphic fiction, biography and non – fiction. There are also several new books in the Sustainability Collection. Look out for the new books display at the library desk or on the new books spinner adjacent to the desk when you are back in the library.

Don't forget our requests and recommendations book! If staff or students have any book requests, please write these with supporting information (title, author, any comments) in the Book Requests and Recommendations book located at the service desk. 



Periodicals : Keep up with current events and trends


We encourage you to explore our periodical collection to keep up with current events, enjoy contemporary fiction, artwork, and fashion, follow the latest sport, or explore scientific research. 


The library subscribes to several periodicals which are available for 1-week loans. Check out Frankie; The Big Issue; Inside Sport; New Scientist; The Monthly; Quarterly Essay and Voiceworks.  


These can all be found on the library catalogue with each record giving a brief contents summary. Periodicals are kept on the stand opposite the Careers Info in the quiet reading area in the library. Back issues are kept on the shelf below the stand.   Enjoy!