Focus on Visual Arts

Joy, Laughter & Delight!

Term four is here and what a joy it is to be able to teach ART in the Art Studio at school again. 


Well, almost in the Art Studio! For the introduction and reflections of our lessons we are using the area outside in the fresh air, whilst continuing to create in the artistic space of our Studio.


What a delight to see everyone again, to hear laughter in the Art Studio and to feel the joy that only children discovering, exploring, and learning Art can bring!


Online Learning 

Across the first weeks of term our students had opportunities to work with nature. Natural materials were combined with drawing to produce impressive images. Discovering Land Art inspired spirals to be assembled from rocks, flowers, shells and leaves.

Art with grass
Art with leaves
Mixing natural materials
Floral face
Stone spiral
Leaf and flower spiral
Shell spiral
Floral spiral
Art with grass
Art with leaves
Mixing natural materials
Floral face
Stone spiral
Leaf and flower spiral
Shell spiral
Floral spiral



Our senior students even assembled mini worlds in their own front gardens so our Art4All Art Trail could expand across the neighbourhood. Have you spied any shrunken scenes popping up around the streets?


Tactile Clay Experiences

Our Foundation artists are now in the building… touching, squishing and modelling CLAY, loving the tactile experience of this natural material. They are just so happy making pet rocks to adore.

Starting an Art class
Pet rocks!
Starting an Art class
Pet rocks!


They will continue to be involved in this modelling practice, learning to build slabs, coils and balls.


Our Year 1&2 artists have also joined us onsite in the Art Studio, exhilarated to be handling clay, producing bowls, plates and tiles, impressing them with nature.


Our Year 3&4 artists and our Year 5&6 artists are hanging out online, eager to join us to also find the thrill of creating with clay. Clay will be waiting for them, ready to be sculpted into a variety of three-dimensional models!


Something Special

For our Year 6 students, ‘Parenthood’ will then follow as they give birth to their baby bear by cutting, stuffing and sewing up a special bear. They will design and make clothing /decorations for their loved one! They will also leave behind an art project as a gift of appreciation to the school.


As term four unfolds, we just are so glad to be together, to be able to share our ideas and admire each other’s creations. 


Welcome back, FPS Artists, I have missed you! 


~ Marjie Tkatchenko, Visual Arts Teacher