R.E. News

Returning to School Prayer

As we return to school in term four, let us pray for all our children:


Lord, thank you for the unique gifts of every child as they transition back into school and begin a new term of learning.

Fill each student with fresh enthusiasm and a heart that is excited to learn and grow.

Cover them with your enduring love, give them confidence and grace, and equip them with the ability to persevere through trials.

Bless their teachers with wisdom, understanding and a heart to serve, as they embark on the journey together.


Religious Education Topics – Term 4

In Term 4, our RE units will focus around the concepts of care for Creation, stewardship and respect for the human person.

Planned RE Topics are:

F / 1: The World Around Us: Students explore the goodness and beauty of God’s creation. Prayers for creation and a commitment to care for it are introduced as ways of responding to this gift.

YR 2: Created for Life: Students learn about what it means to live in right relationship with all of God’s creation. They explore the beauty and diversity of the gift of creation, and consider their responsibility to care for it.

YR 3/4: Creation – Living in Harmony: Students investigate the Christian tradition of stewardship and the equitable use of the earth’s resources. They are invited to identify either a local or global environmental issue, and to analyse what causes this issue and how it affects human life.

YR 5 & 6: Life is Good – Creation of the Human Person: Students explore the concepts of human dignity and respect for human life and consider ways in which people care for and respect human life.

Catholic Identity / Prayer and Meditation Survey

This year, we have participated in a Prayer Collective “Encountering the Sacred” with three other HTCEC schools in our Parish. The overall aim of the collective was: To develop strategies and deepen understanding of prayer so that we can present meaningful prayer (and meditation) that brings in and links to interfaith aspects while maintaining our Catholic identity. We are asking the families in our community to complete a quick survey to assist us with collecting data for our school to enable us to evaluate the success of our actions. Please use this link to access the survey:

Family St Martin de Porres Five Minute Prayer Survey


We would appreciate all responses to the survey by Friday 22nd October.


Thanking you on behalf of our school Prayer Collective. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Lauren, Louise or Marg.

October – Month of the Rosary

The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary was celebrated on October 7. The Rosary is a Catholic form of prayer using beads, and repeating formal prayers, such as the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary, said while thinking about important events in the lives of Jesus and Mary.Rosary beads are an aid towards saying these prayers in the proper sequence. The “mysteries of the Rosary” are grouped in four sets: The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries, The Glorious Mysteries and The Luminous Mysteries.


Year 6 students have been reflecting on the scripture passages associated with the mysteries of the Rosary during their morning prayer, focusing on a different mystery each day, and praying the Hail Mary together.

Canonisation of Mary MacKillop

Mary MacKillop was canonised on October 17, 2010 at Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome. 

Mary was beatified in Sydney on January 19, 1995 by Pope John Paul 11. Her canonisation in Rome followed 16 years later, giving Australia its first canonised saint. She is known as St Mary of the Cross. Since then people from many cultures, from different faiths and traditions, and from all walks of life have been inspired by her example of faith, service and love for all.

Prayer for the COVID-19

May we, who are experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and are coming to terms with a new reality, remember the words of the scripture:

"Be still and know that I am God"

May we, who as adults struggling to process what is happening in our world, remember children who are fearful of a reality they cannot comprehend.

May we, who complain about the scarcity of commodities, remember those who are working to maintain the supply chain.

May we, who rely on essential services, especially those in the medical profession, remember all those working on the front line.

May we, who are working from home, remember those who have no employment or home from which to work.

May we, who have access to medical facilities and services, remember those who do not have basic health care.

May we, who are beginning to experience border closures, remember refugees who cannot return home.

May we give thanks for those who are working to help or bring some kindness, joy or humour to others, showing us the light of Christ lives.

During this time of isolation as we close our doors, may we continue to keep our hearts open to our family, friends, local and global communities.

We ask this in the name of Jesus. 



Margaret Cronin

Religious Education Leader