PLT News...


We welcome our Foundation families to Term Four – we cannot believe we are nearing the end of the year! We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our Foundation families for all of their support during Term 3. Remote learning has certainly been challenging and we look forward to having our students return to onsite learning.

Over the holidays, Foundation students began receiving a letter from school with a ‘flat teacher’ bitmoji of their classroom teacher. The purpose behind these flat teachers is to promote connection and wellbeing during remote learning. Students have been encouraged to engage in a range of wellbeing activities with their flat teacher. If your child did not receive their flat teacher in the mail, please contact your child’s classroom teacher via WebEx.


Aidan FC
Charlie FC
Elizabeth FC
Indi FA
Mia FB
Lenny FA
Oliver FC
Oscar FD
Rosie FD
Ollie A FB
Savannah FA
Taliyah FB
Sienna FD
Teddy FD
Aidan FC
Charlie FC
Elizabeth FC
Indi FA
Mia FB
Lenny FA
Oliver FC
Oscar FD
Rosie FD
Ollie A FB
Savannah FA
Taliyah FB
Sienna FD
Teddy FD


We have started the term with some wonderful remote learning activities. In writing, we have been learning about information reports and identifying the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts. The students began this unit of learning by exploring the structure of an information report and writing about koalas. This week, students have moved on to writing an information report about themselves – this includes information about their classification, appearance, habitat, diet and an interesting fact. Students included a diagram at the beginning of their information report by labelling a picture of themselves.



Information Reports


We look forward to having our Foundation students back onsite for face-to-face learning. Please note, we will finally be able to hold our 100 Days of Foundation celebration – this will be on Wednesday 20th October. A message was sent via Compass with more information about this day.


The Foundation Team

Miss Davis, Miss Morrison, Miss Bowler & Miss Edwards