Deputy Principal's Update 

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”


Coming Soon: 

Family School Improvement Survey

Dear Parents/Carers

In 2021, our school is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

     One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school.

     Over the next week all families will receive information on how to access and complete the survey-It takes 20 minutes and gives us valuable information following our School Review.  Once back at school our Year 4-6 students will also take part in the student survey.  Our staff have also completed theirs.


Exciting times ahead

It has been wonderful to be able to pop in to many class Meets and small groups over the past week and see so many faces on screen. In Prep I learnt that very few people can lick their elbows (go on, you are trying now!)...

 There is a real excitement from our juniors about returning next week and no doubt this will flow on to our 3-6 students over the coming week.

More recently our staff have been having small and individual meets to get a clearer picture of progress and also student needs.  For our teachers this is vital information that will feed into the lessons that are taught both on and offsite as we return.

Due to the circumstances over the past 2 years it continues to be important for our teachers to know where students are in their learning journey.  Be assured that we will continue to work with all to progress from where they are in their learning, knowing that all will be at various stages along the learning journey.

Most importantly we recognise that the social and emotional learning side is every bit a part of that journey.  Learning to give and take, compromise, negotiate and navigate how to get along is also a part of the return to school life.  We can't wait to be a part of your child's daily school life in person once again.  As always we are there to work with you and along side you in providing the best for all of the students in our care.

A staggered return has its challenges and no doubt many students (and adults) will take time to get back into the ebb and flow of school. This is all part of the learning journey, be kind to one another and yourselves.


PS - Congratulations to our long suffering Demons supporters, enjoy your team having a wonderful grand final win!



Darren Perry