Principal's Update 

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians


We’re here to help your children share in the excitement of return to school


On behalf of the team at Our Lady of Fatima, I would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all members of the school community for the support shown to the school and its staff as we prepare for re-opening next Monday.



I’m delighted to say that although a staff member returned a positive COVID test, that this was a single isolated case, where the fully vaccinated staff member experienced only minor head-cold like symptoms without further complications.


I have spoken to a number of parents over the last few days, and I know a lot of you are wondering what the return to onsite learning means for your children. And while the newly introduced rules for face-masks is one of the biggest changes for our students, I can confidently say that most students are excited about the return to school; seeing their friends, and the resumption of what will seem like ‘a return to normal life’.


Where students have been offsite for a significant amount of time, the return to school will be very much like a return from Christmas holidays, with all the excitement and anticipation that a ‘new start’ carries with it. 


I would encourage you to speak with your children, and remind them of how it felt on their first day of school; or how it feels when they return to school after a long holiday; and to remind them of how quickly and happily they settle back into the daily routine of school life. 



Where we have endured such significant restraints on our lives for such a long period of time, it’s almost hard to believe that the finish line is in sight. But it is. And I urge you all to look forward, to see that we are very close to the resumption of a more normal life and to share in the excitement of our children returning to school.


As always go gently and look after your families with the greatest of care.


God Bless,








Patrika Rowley