Year 9

Deakin University Excursion
This week students travelled to Deakin University from the school by bus. Once we reached the University, we went to a lecture room where one of the volunteers told us about what we were going to be doing throughout the day. After being split into two groups, we were taken to another smaller room where three other volunteers went through a PowerPoint about correct greetings and handshakes, and how enterprise skills are used and how they are important in the real world. We were also taught about how to do an appropriate and ‘perfect’ handshake.
Chelsea Kimber 9E
A particular moment that was most important throughout the experience was learning to use “Enterprise Skills”, skills that would be essential for us when it comes to applying for jobs and achieving our future career by being resourceful and initiative. One of the enterprise skills that I found very achieving for me was the communication skill. I’ve always been a person who develops social anxiety when being faced with strangers, but using the advice gained from the Deakin presentations, talking to the staff members, sending a wave or simply smiling at them gave me the biggest boost of confidence I’ve never felt before. By the time we were all on the bus ride back to the school, I had questioned myself the entire trip smiling the whole way thinking, “Where did this tremendous amount of confidence come from?”
The Deakin University Experience will definitely be an important part of my life, looking back at what I learnt on that day has made me felt much more confident with myself and stronger than ever before. If it wasn’t for the Deakin Experience, I wouldn’t know what would’ve happened when future job interviews had occurred or when I’m being face-to-face with strangers of the public. If there was one word that could describe that entire day for me, it would definitely be life-changing.
Emily Ben 9F