Year 7

The start of Term four has seen the Year 7’s be involved in a number of activities relating to Cyber Safety. The first incursion saw Optus come to talk to them about how to make their personal details safe from computer hackers and identity thieves. The session was very enlightening and provided the students with a web site to ensure their log in details are hard to get into.
The second session saw Andrew Rankin and Kirsten Young from the Peninsula Community Legal Centre come and talk to the students about the legal ramifications of using the internet incorrectly, especially when it came to sexting and cyber bullying.
At the start of the term, five students Jordan Milne, Sauleola Maala, Eugene Siilata, Felix Tua and Joel Mulligan competed at the Regional Athletics Carnival. This event saw Jordan Milne progress onto the State Athletics Championship at Albert Park. Jordan competed in the 1500m at the State Championships and placed 7th in a personal best time of 4:47. Great effort, Jordan.