MultiPride are continuing to collate cultural backgrounds for our Welcome entrance sign. MultiPride students went around to Form Assembly classrooms and asked students about their cultural backgrounds. Students are now translating “Welcome” in each language and will be getting the sign ready as soon as this is done.
MultiPride are now planning our events for next year and are looking forward to producing events that reflect the multicultural nature of our school.
The reflective garden was completed as a tribute to Anita Templin, who loved gardening and was instrumental in getting MultiPride started at Cranbourne Secondary College. There is a Chinese Moon Gate, a solar powered fountain and a memorial area where plaques have been placed. It is now available for supervised use by students and staff. We will have a small opening for the school and community in December and place a memorial sign on a seat for Anita. The garden will be an ongoing process and we hope to keep adding to it in the future.
All students are welcome to join MultiPride meetings at any time. They take place from 12.45 – 1.15 in the conference room on a Monday lunchtime.