Students of the week

Term 2 -Week 5

 Ffion A (FA) -   Thank you for being such a polite, kind and conscientious member of Foundation A. You always have an amazing manners, are great company and approach everything with a positive outlook. You are a breath of fresh air, Ffion.

Scarlett R (FB) -  For the fantastic contributions you made during our class narrative writing session. You used great descriptive language and sparked the readers imagination by using a simile. You are an author in the making! Keep up the superstar work Scarlett!

Levi Rhyder A (FC) - You are a helpful hero in our classroom. Always appearing to pick up something your teacher has dropped and always helping clean your classroom until it's sparkling. You make Foundation c a nice place to be!

Arad H  (12A) - "For showing confidence in your learning, it is great to see you try new tasks with resilience and belief in your own ability. Keep up the great work Arad!"

Hamish L (12B) - has shown the school values of learning and respect. Hamish, you have been showing respect for your learning by really applying yourself during writing time and working so consistently at your spelling. This has resulted in a big improvement in your writing. Well done Hamish, keep up the great work :)!

Ethan M (12C) - For making huge improvements to your focus during class work time and for demonstrating kindness and respect to your classmates. It is aways wonderful to see you offer help to your peers when they need it. Good job Ethan! 

Nova L (12D) -  For being a dedicated, focused learner during all work tasks. You try your best and produce impressive work. You are also a respectful and kind friend to everyone in 1/2D. We love having you in the classroom!

Bonnie L (12E) -  "Bonnie has demonstrated a commitment to improve her focus in her learning. She excitedly takes on learning tasks and is proud of the work that she produces, especially in writing. Bonnie is always happy to support her classmates and is becoming a fantastic problem solver! Keep up the great work Bonnie!

Jonty D (12E) - Jonty is an enthusiastic member of the class who is always excited to be at school. He has worked hard to improve in his focus and to always display positive classroom behaviours. Jonty always asks for assistance in learning tasks when required and takes on feedback to improve his work. Great effort Jonty, keep it up!"

Dean M (34A) - What a great week you had last week Dean, it was great to see you just get on with things and give everything a red hot go!! Awesome job superstar!

Jackson T (34B) -Jackson has increased the amount of writing that he completes during writing sessions. His persistence has enabled Jackson to create some simply excellent pieces of work. Keep up the incredible effort, Jackson! Well done!

Miette C (34C) - has shown great enthusiasm towards her learning this week! She went into NAPLAN with a positive attitude and always tries her best. Keep up the great work, Miette!

Jackson P (34D) - Jackson constantly demonstrates the school values, especially learning. This term, Jackson has consistently challenged himself to improve in all areas and is always one to help his peers. Keep up the super work!

Tali M  (56A) - Tali is a wonderfully positive member of our Netball team and is always cheering her teammates. You are a fantastic role model Tali. We really appreciate you!

Sam B  (56B) - "Sam is a clear thinker who is always has a methodical approach to his learning. He is a kind and compassionate learner who is always looking out for other members of our community. GREAT STUFF BUDDY! "

Visual Arts

Neo S (56B) - You have shown persistence to complete your artwork while using strategies to overcome classroom distractions. Keep up the awesome work, well done Neo!


Ethan B  (12B) - For being a quiet achiever who is an absolute pleasure to teach. Ethan was able to do self-introduction in Japanese confidently and with good pronunciation, intonation and fluency. Keep up the great work Ethan!