Education in Faith

Level Liturgies

During this term, students and teachers have been participating in level liturgies via Google Hangouts. This experience has provided students, families and teachers an opportunity to stay connected with their faith. It has also provided a time for all involved to read the Gospel,  discuss the message and share some special prayers. Some year levels have used the message of the Gospel to take action in their household.

Christian Meditation

Christian Meditation is a great way to start your day. This is another opportunity for students to continue the routine of what they would usually be doing at school. Here are the steps of Christian Meditation in case your child has forgotten:

Find a quiet safe space- you might like to light a candle if children are supervised by mum or dad or lay out a cross or rosary beads.

Start with the Sign of the Cross.

Hit a meditation bell three times, if you don’t have one you might like to gently hit a bowl with a spoon.

Say Maranatha three times out loud, then sit quietly with your eyes closed for a few minutes, repeating Maranatha in your head. We normally sit in silence for the number of years you have been alive, but in minutes.  For example 7 minutes for 7 year olds. 

At the end of the quiet time you may like to say the school prayer or your own personal prayer.

Finish with the Sign of the Cross.

Learning Communal Prayers

This is a great opportunity to help your children learn communal prayers of the Church. Part of the learning continuum is that all Prep to Year Six children are proficient in:

 * Making the Sign of the Cross

* Reciting, ' The Hail Mary'

* Saying, 'Grace'

*Knowing the, 'St James School Prayer'


Does your child in Years 1-6 know the ,'Our Father'? What is this prayer about?

Talk with your child about why it's important we all know communal ( i.e 'community') prayers.......



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Website:   St John's Mitcham