Principal's Address

I would like to highlight two significant celebrations occurring at this time that are acknowledged by the Church. While they have very different focuses, they remind us that we have a shared responsibility to stand up for human rights and universal respect.


Last week was Migrant and Refugee Sunday with this year’s theme being “It is not just about migrants" Pope Francis has insisted that how we welcome migrants and refugees affects all of us and helps to shape the sort of society we want to be, and the sort of people we want to be. He says that “we cannot establish God’s kingdom here and now, but we can do more to make our homes, our local community, and our nation more welcoming to those who come to our shores.”

Living on an island nation continent, it is easy for us Australians simply to put out of mind those fleeing persecution, those who no longer have a place to call home but human rights and universal respect for the dignity of all people are at the heart of this theme.


The second focus is National Child Protection Week which commences on Father’s Day, celebrated on the first Sunday of September.
























The aim of the week is to engage members of the community in supporting families and protecting children. In 2019 National Child Protection Week focus on introducing a ‘child development’ communication frame to promote the messages that:

  • Children do well when parents are supported
  • To raise thriving children and teens, parents need support to navigate life’s choppy waters

This theme is based on evidence from the Frameworks Institute research commissioned by the Parenting Research Centre, which shows us the most effective way to talk about parenting and child wellbeing is with a ‘child development’ frame that:

  • Focuses on children and what they need to thrive, rather than blaming or evaluating parenting
  • Establishes the importance of interaction with parents and caregivers to child development, rather than assuming that young children simply grow
  • Helps people see that circumstances shape options, rather than assuming that good parenting comes naturally to individuals
  • Uses a ‘navigating waters’ metaphor where boats represent families/parenting, weather/hazards represents the circumstances that can affect us all, and lighthouses and safe harbours represent the support that we all need.

We know that parenting is both a joy-filled and challenging journey. Communication and engagement with families is critical.  In our context at Mater Dei, it is highly valued and at the heart of our mission of partnership in each student’s education.




























Happy Fathers’ Day to all our dads for Sunday.

We thank God for the gift of fathers and those who nurture and guide in a fatherly way and pray:


God our father, we give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.

We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; may they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.

We pray for our own fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; may they know that the god of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.

We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.

We remember fathers, grandfather, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen.


Year 12 Boarders Graduation Mass

The Boarding School Community, Parents and College Representatives gathered at Mt Erin Chapel to acknowledge the contributions of these remarkable students and bid them farewell as they embark upon their life journey. A celebratory dinner followed the Mass, allowing us the hear all about their plans for the future and what they have most enjoyed about being a member of the Mt Erin Boarding School. 


Congratulations to our many students who continue to excel across a range of sports and engage wholeheartedly in cultural and community events. Full details are on our College Sport Twitter feed and our Facebook page captures the many exciting activities our students are involved in every day.


Please keep our Year 12 students in your prayers as the HSC Course draws to a close. Our farewell lunches with each House group are underway and Year 12 will complete their online exit survey next week. The Year 12 Parent/carer survey will also open next week for a fortnight. Feedback helps us with future planning and is always appreciated.

We pray for Year 11 as they undertake their End of Preliminary Course examinations and consider their leadership opportunities at the College in 2020. The incoming student leaders will be announced at the Year 12 Final Assembly on 26 September.



Mrs Val Thomas | Principal