Health and Physical Education 

Scott Cullen

Hi, my name is Scott Cullen and this year I will be teaching Health and Physical Education to Year’s 7/8, 10, & 11/12’s and Mathematics and Science to the Year 8’s. 


This year I enter my fourth year of teaching, having spent the past two and half years teaching at Edward John Eyre in Whyalla. 


  • In y7/8 PE, we are starting the term looking at the modified game ‘Tchoukball’ and Athletics in preparation for the upcoming Athletics Day. 
  • In y10 PE, we have begun our online learning by looking at our own energy systems, and will begin Athletics during week three. 
  • In y11/12 Phys Ed we have begun the term with a focus on Volleyball (year 12’s) and the barriers that prevent people from being physically active (year 11’s). 
  • In y8 Science we have begun by learning about cells, and in week 3 we will begin our practical experiments for the topic.

Scott Cullen