Domain Art/Technology

I am thrilled to be leading the Arts and Technology Domain in 2022. The subjects that we offer include Digital Technology, Media, VET Information Technology, Music, Drama, Art, Visual Communication and Design, Photography, Journalism and Food Technology!
I am extremely passionate about everything to do with music. I grew up playing in bands. The main instruments that I play are drums and percussion. After completing my Bachelor of Music at the Australian Institute of Music, I fell in love with teaching, and I hope to inspire others to be inspired by music the way music has inspired me.
"Music should not be a privilege, it should be a part of every child's world of possibility".
I love teaching photography and sharing the knowledge I have about the subject. I studied photography at university and later worked as a photographer for concerts and music festivals. I love photography because sometimes it can change our perspective and help us to see things in new ways.
Hi, I'm Steven and I've taken on the Visual Arts role at the College this year. I love applying a creative design process with students and seeing them take control of the direction and meaning of their artwork. I'm eager to reactivate the art studio by firing up the kiln, bringing in two- and three-dimensional art practices that the students develop and refine from blank page to final presented work. If you're an artist in the community I'd love to chat about how we can collaborate with our space, our community, and our wonderful students. I'd also love to play my role in exploring how John Fawkner College can become a more sustainable school that honours and promotes our country's rich First Nations history and culture.
I have always had a passion for cooking since I was very young. I love experimenting and modifying recipes until I find the perfect one. I have always wanted to utilise a school garden to grow fresh vegetables and herbs, and now I have the opportunity to do this. I am going to be running a gardening club every Thursday lunchtime here at JFC. I am so excited about being able to use fresh school grown produce in my food technology classes. It makes me so proud seeing my students master a new cooking skill, for example learning how to julienne a carrot or how to bake a cake.