Principal News

Dear Parents, Students and Friends


The Annual Marian Catholic College Staff Spirituality Day will take place on Friday June 11. All classes were suspended for the day so that staff could attend this important day to deepen our faith. Marist Schools Australia led our program. The Program was titled “Breathe” and we welcome Mark O’Farrell from the Marist Mission and Life Formation Team to lead us. The day began with mass at Sacred Heart Parish. Leader of Mission, Mr Gabriel Abdala mentions more about the program further in this newsletter.

This week, students in Year Ten have undertaken practice for next week’s NESA HSC Minimum Standards. The tests help identify where students are with regards to reading, writing and numeracy. This minimum standard is required to be eligible to receive the HSC. Staff at Marian can support students who don’t meet these standards and students can resit the tests many times before they leave Year 12 or earlier. More information can be found on the Minimum Standards via the link

Teachers are finalising Year 7-10 Reports as I write this article. It is expeted that they will be emailed home in the last week of the term and early next term will be an opportunity for students and parents to discuss their progress.


Enjoy the long weekend. A well earned rest!



Peace and Best Wishes

Alan Le Brocque