Unit 1 Theatre Studies Presentation Evening

Unit 1 Theatre Studies Presentation Evening

As part of the Unit 1 Theatre Studies course, students focus on the application of acting, direction and design in relation to theatre styles from the pre-modern era. Students creatively and imaginatively work in production roles focusing on at least three distinct theatre styles and their conventions. On Tuesday 11th May and Thursday 13th May, students presented the results of their work. "The Gallery" in L2 showcased the students' work in Costume and Set design for two different theatrical styles then in L1 students presented their Shakespeare scenes for an audience. The growth that each student in the class made in terms of their own performance work was fantastic and the final shows were a credit to their hard work and perseverance. I am so very proud of what they achieved.

Unit 1 Theatre Studies Teacher - Beryl Birrell


“Presentation night was certainly an experience not easily forgotten. It had the kind of atmosphere that had everyone buzzing excitedly, while also being slightly tired of reciting Shakespeare lines over and over for the past weeks.


I remember on the Tuesday of our first performance, nerves were certainly running high, but everyone remained optimistic. My heart was racing at the thought of going out in front of a crowd and literally throwing my partner to the ground. Yet it was still fun. The lights blinded us enough to not actually see the faces in the crowd. Everyone would come backstage, shushing each other, but all the while saying that all of us did great. There were no moments of grief on those nights. All our minds were especially set on lines, makeup, costumes, or even what song we were gonna sing while getting ready. I suppose that’s what you get when you put a bunch of theatre students in a room together.


Overall, the presentation nights where a big success and a brilliant experience for everyone involved. And I don’t just say that because we ordered pizza one night. I thank everyone involved for making it so memorable!”

Unit 1 Theatre Studies student - Sarah Abercrombie