7-10 Electives Term 2

Each week on a Wednesday afternoon, as a part of the Electives program, the Year 9 debate team gathers to prepare for our fortnightly debate. Our team has won the first three debates in the D Grade division and is currently preparing for the fourth informed topic.
All four of us (Kiki, Kason, Manny and Banjo) really value the power this Elective has given us and the strength in, not only having a voice, but having an effective one.
Debating teaches us to have an influence, to make sure people don’t just hear us but that they listen. We are each dedicated to preparing, researching and working to create effective and cohesive arguments, and we are striving to keep up our winning streak. In order to reach the finals, we expect we will have to stay undefeated and so will continue to strive to be the best that we can be. As we are such a small school, we believe we have a stronger desire to prove ourselves. Debating gives us the ability to make a name for our School, to express our voices.
We also have the pleasure of Matt Barker as our debating coach, who is truly much more than a coach. He supports us through the inevitable mistakes that come with the spontaneity of the sport, while also encouraging us to be better. He guides us but at the same time allows us to be independent; throughout our preparation and competition process, we all appreciate the opportunity to express our voices.
We have previously debated on the following topics:
Regional tourism industry of Victoria should be subsided (Negative)
Animal testing should be banned (Negative)
Public transport should be free (Affirmative)
Our next debate will take place on 21 June at Camberwell Grammar School and we are arguing the Negative side on whether smokers’ medical treatment should not be subsided.
Kiki Edelstein
(on behalf of the Year 9 debate team)
Other electives offered this term include:
Critical Reading (book club)
Modern Board Games
Dungeons & Dragons
Kitchen Garden
Out 'n' About
Laser Cutting & Stencil Art