
Weekly study group

The good news is that the Blackhall Maths study group is now up and running on Tuesday

afternoons in Hades from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.


The even better news is that we have extended our offer of Maths support to ALL students

from Years 7 to 12!


Helen and Andrew are huge Maths fans, their love of which is infectious (can we use

that word right now?). They alternate weeks in taking the group and can help with any

Maths topic at any time!


So, if you are struggling a little bit in Maths class - perhaps you didn’t catch on to some of

the concepts covered in 2020, or possibly need some help completing tasks, or even

just with doing homework - come along and get some individual assistance from these two Maths enthusiasts.


They look forward to seeing you there.