Careers Activities Week
Year 10
Careers Activities Week
Year 10
It was unfortunate that last year, due to covid restrictions, we were unable to run our usual week of Careers Activities for our Year 10s however it was a joy to be able to offer it this year.
The more opportunities students have to experiment and learn about different professional contexts, the more equipped they will be to find the best fit. The driving purpose of Activity Week is to allow age-appropriate professional exploration.
The campus was a buzz with a range of activities throughout the dedicated week of all things Careers. Students heard from a range of presenters, both face to face and virtual, including the ATO, The Young Workers Centre, Road Smart Inc, Swinburne, Deakin College, RMIT, Tertiary Information Services and Pathway Presentations. The students also completed two accredited qualifications for Food Handlers and Barista. These courses provide essential foundation employability skills that prepare students with skills, qualifications and knowledge for jobs that can support educational pursuits and chosen career pathways. These will also allow students to obtain flexible or permanent sources of income, assisting them to transition from student to paid or voluntary workforce participation and develop valuable transferable skills that they can apply to any workplace.
The week concluded with an excursion to the 2021 Victorian Careers Show where they were able to visit a large array of providers from tertiary institutions, private colleges and a variety of different businesses and information services.
Tertiary Information Services Presentation
Australian Taxation Office - Education Zone: Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians and the importance of teaching and learning about taxation and superannuation.
Young Workers Centre Presentation
Food Handlers Course with RSA for Schools
Accredited Barista Course with RSA For Schools and the Coffee School Bus
Tertiary Presentations
All you need to know about RMIT
Discover RMIT Pathways
Deakin College - Diploma Pathways
Victorian Careers Show 2021 Excursion
For many students, exploring future pathways is exciting and sometimes daunting but finding your tribe can be pure joy!
Career Practitioner
Professional Member Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV)
Morrisby Accredited Careers Adviser