Careers Hub 2021
Careers Hub 2021
Welcome to Issue 8 of the Career information journey.
It was unfortunate that last year, due to covid restrictions, we were unable to run our usual week of Careers Activities for Year 10s however it was a joy to be able to offer it this year. The campus was a buzz with a range of activities throughout the dedicated week of all things careers. Through out the week the students heard from a range of presenters, both face to face and virtual, including the ATO, The Youth Workers Centre, Road Smart Inc, Swinburne, Deakin College, RMIT, Tertiary Information Services and Pathway Presentations. The students also completed two accredited qualifications for Food Handlers and Barista. The week concluded with an excursion to the 2021 Victorian Careers Show where they were able to visit a large range of providers from tertiary institutions, private colleges and a range of different businesses and information services.
"Mechatronics is an essential foundation for the expected growth in automation and manufacturing. It is the best of both worlds where electrical and mechanical realms complement each other to create a good system. To put it simply, you need to have good electronics skills in order to have an even better mechanical design when it comes to robotics and mechatronics, and vice versa. Mechanic engineers and electronic engineers are both specialists in their own major. However, for mechatronic engineers, they need to take both mechanical and electronic into account because they need to have a broader view for the overall design."
"Robotics is closely related to the design, construction, and as well as computer systems mainly focusing on the control, sensory feedback, and information processing. It involves the concept of Programming, Mathematics, Design, Electronics and much more. Robotic engineers deal with creating robots and robotic systems mainly to make impossible duties to be possible, and difficult duties to be convenient. Particularly in the manufacturing industry, robotics engineers help to make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient for human beings. Robotics can be considered as part of Mechatronics as it similarly involves these mechanical, electronics and computer engineering fields. Mathematically, robotics is the subset of mechatronics set. In simple words, all robotic systems are mechatronic systems, but not all mechatronic systems are robotic systems."
Below are the key skills required to succeed in the study of robotics and mechatronics.
Australian Jobs 2020
Each year the Australian Jobs publication provides an overview of trends in the Australian labour market to support job seekers and employment service providers, career advisers, those considering future training and work and people interested in labour market issues. It's also a good place for students to research what employers are looking for, what occupations are in demand, future predictions and much more. It is important to remember that the labour market can change quickly.
"It isn’t easy to forecast future labour market conditions and it isn’t recommended to base employment and training decisions solely on predicted shortages. It is far better to train in an area in which you have an interest and aptitude than choosing a career solely based on expectations about future conditions."
Download a copy below or visit the website at the National Skills Commission.
Useful Science Website - Monash
Browse the Science Essential Guide for all sorts of useful information on studying science at Monash University.
Verbal Reasoning Advanced Skills Webinar
Are you preparing for the UCAT?
On Sunday 30 May 2021, the National Institute of Education will be conducting a UCAT Verbal Reasoning subtest advanced skills webinar. Don't miss it as this will be the final session for this season.
When: Sunday 30 May 2021 - LIVE ONLINE Details: View training info here!
Please remember to log in and read your Compass News Feed as we regularly post updated information about tertiary open days, information sessions, work experience and workshop opportunities, updated Careers and industry news and a host of other information. You can also set up notification alerts on your phone for Compass so you will be instantly notified and never miss anything.
Careers Website:
Ace Day Job Videos: Preshil Clickview
Useful Links: Australian Jobs 2019
Foundation of Young Australians: Reports
Future Focused: 100 Jobs of the Future
VTAC Resources: Year 10 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 11 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 12 Guide
Explore Careers: In Tech Videos
My Future: Self Knowledge & Careers
Job Outlook: A Guide to Jobs & Careers
CompareED: Compare Universities
ACU Pathway Finder: Pick a Study
CAS Website: Creativity Activity Service Info
Good Careers Guide: Select a field of work
RMIT University – Pathways Tool
RMIT University – Pathways Tool. Many of these pathways can be applied to other institutions.
RMIT Engineering Quiz
Take RMIT's interactive quiz to discover which engineering courses or double degrees are matched to you. These courses can be applied to many other institutions.
Australian Catholic University - Pathway Tool
Once you’ve decided what you’re interested in studying, double check the course prerequisites and any additional entry requirements – you can also see how many pathway options apply. Visit the Finder Tool. Many of these pathways could be applied to other institutions.
A Parent's Guide to Career Planning
A Parent's Guide provide a starting point for the career conversations that assist parents to help their children navigate the complex process of managing their lives, learning and work." Order your copy from the CEAV Bookshop for $15 here.
If you haven't already done so please take a few moments to visit our dedicated Careers Website. Remember, if you have an account in the Student Portal you can sign in here but, if not, simply register here using your Preshil email. Once logged in try out some of the online activities, interests, skills and abilities and other Careers quizzes.
Recommendations are based on a series of psychometric assessments to help identify strengths and results are combined with a more subjective questionnaire, where students can state their preferences for work styles, environments and talents. Cost is a one time $50 for lifetime access. Please email me if you would like more information.
You can now contact me in the Online Careers Hub in Zoom. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions, concerns or need a face-to-face appointment please email me anytime at
Career Practitioner
Professional Member Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV)
Morrisby Accredited Careers Adviser
Special thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year puts together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.