KPS Wildlife Warriors

Sustainability Update


Collecting Soft Plastics 


In light of our recent waste audit our Wildlife Warriors and Sustainability Leaders were devastated by the amount of soft plastics that were collected. This was one of the largest contributors to our landfill bins and needed to be addressed. 

Our students will begin collecting soft plastics as of week 9 from each classroom. The entire collection will be taken to the local supermarket and be recycled through Redcycle. 

The collected soft plastics need to have no food, be dry and reasonably clean. Items that can be collected are any plastic item that can be scrunched into a ball. 

For example; chip packets, yoghurt pouches, clip wrap, lolly wrappers etc. 

Soft plastics cannot be collected and recycled forever, so 


please reduce your child’s environmental impact by sending them to school with no rubbish. 




Nude Food Wednesdays at Kalinda


At Kalinda we are moving towards becoming a Nude Food school. We encourage all students to have a nude food lunch box everyday, however we are going to begin with one day a week- Nude Food Wednesdays. 


Beginning from Term 3, every Wednesday when the canteen isn’t open, we will have ‘Nude Food Wednesday’. 


Students who have nude food, that is, have no rubbish, can earn house points. 

The less rubbish a student has, the more house points that student will get for their house. 

Organic waste, such as a banana peel or an apple core, does not count.

TIP: Please name all items to avoid having to rebuy.Name it, or lose it!  

Examples of how to pack a nude food lunch box




Know the facts yourself and get helpful tips about nude food!