Canteen News

Canteen is closed on Friday 25 June - no orders on last day of term.



The canteen has a small amount of baked slices for sale. These are in a box, and contain 12 different large slices that are suitable for freezing. Payment is through QKR and pickup outside the canteen door from 8.30am -3.30 pm.

All details  are on QKR, search take home meals and then swipe across to sweets and baked goods. Get in quick - they are so yummy!


Please note new temporary dates for Canteen in Term 3 

Canteen reopens on Term 3 Monday 12 July


Canteen will be closed on Wednesdays ( but will be open on a Tuesday instead ) 

This will be shown on QKR 


Hot dogs will be available on Mondays and Tuesdays


These dates will be changed in QKR to avoid any confusion.


Winter Menu options


Have you noticed the new Winter food options?  You may have also noticed that certain foods are not available later in the week. If you have a favourite, the best thing to do is to order them earlier in the week, when we have plenty of supplies, so you don't miss out!



Do you need help with QKR or Compass? Please come to the office and see us, or call on 9876 3289 and we can help you through the steps to complete a lunch order.




How to cancel an order on QKR







Singapore Style Noodles 

450gm Vermicelli Noodles

3 Eggs

2 Chicken Breast Fillets (or preferred protein)

1 Brown Onion

1 Capsicum

1 Carrot

½ Cup Peas

4 Spring Onions

1 Small Zucchini

1 Small Tin of Baby Corn



Salt & Pepper to taste

2 Tablespoons Curry Powder

100ml Soy Sauce



Place noodles in a large bowl, Cover with boiling water and set aside. Slice the vegetables into thin slices. Slice chicken into similar size pieces. Beat the eggs. Heat a wok or large frying pan, add oil, carefully pour in the egg, cook to form an omelette, remove from pan, place on a plate. Once cool chop into small slices. Add the sliced vegetables to the hot pan and toss until tender, add the chicken, continue to toss until cooked through. Drain the noodles and add to the pan. Add the curry powder, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Add the cooked, chopped egg. Serve in your favourite bowls, use a fork or chopsticks.



Thank you

Justine W

Canteen Manager