Year 9 & 10

Welcome back to the last part of term 2.
Unfortunately, all Victorian schools have been completing remote and flexible learning over the past 2 weeks but thankfully students are now back on site continuing their education. JFC acknowledges that the lockdown has been challenging for all of us but we would like to thank all parents for their support during this time. Nevertheless, it has been pleasing to witness a number of our year 9 and 10 students making the adaption back to remote learning effectively after our previous experiences with the remote learning environment.
As we move into winter it is an opportunity to remind the school community of our uniform expectations. In particular, students are reminded that under no circumstances are hoodies to be worn as part of their school uniform. Students need to dress appropriately for the weather and during winter they are encouraged to wear singlets and thicker t shirts under their uniform.
Hoodies will be confiscated by the coordinator and retuned at the end of the day. Students who consistently do not follow the uniform expectations will receive after school detentions. Can I please ask parents to discuss the above uniform expectation with their child and to contact JFC if any clarification is required.
The JFC school community is based around four key values: Respect, Commitment, Continuous Improvement and Academic Excellence. Both inside and outside the classroom we consistently encourage our students to adopt these values. Whilst these values are important at school, they are also needed in other aspects of life such as family, friendships, sporting clubs, part-time work and full-time work. Therefore, JFC envisages the development of these four key values as an investment in a successful future for our students.
Teachers are consistently looking to reward students who are demonstrating the key values via the presentation of values cards. Periodically throughout the year, we reflect on student progress in this area and acknowledge those students who are consistently demonstrating these values through the presentation of certificates at year level assemblies.
I am pleased to communicate the following students have received Values Certificates for the months of May and June:
- Respect Certificate - Joredson Malaga/Syed Hussain
- Commitment Certificate - Logan Valentine/Indiana Waterman
- Continuous Improvement Certificate - Jade Rajab/Sienna Tese
- Academic Excellence Certificate - Cuong Sartori/Muhammad Khan
JFC believes that regular feedback to our students is an integral part of their education and hence complete progress reports every 5 weeks to inform students of their current performance. The intention of these reports is to encourage those students who are doing well and to identify and support those students who are in need of extra assistance.
JFC would like to acknowledge that the following students have received excellent progress reports in our most recent review:
- Year 9 - David Abram
- Year 10 - Serena Ahmad
Furthermore, JFC expects students to attend school regularly in order to reach their potential. We would like to acknowledge the following students who have demonstrated excellent attendance record for semester 1 in their respective year levels:
- Year 9 Attendance Certificate - Mahmoud Hamoud [97%]
- Year 10-Attendance Certificate - Hamza Abdou [99%]
As coordinator of Years 9 and 10, I would like to nominate Muskan Mehra (9B) as student of the month. Muskan consistently demonstrates all the qualities and values that JFC aims to develop in all our students. Muskan attends school consistently, is always on time to class with the correct equipment, uses her class time effectively and regularly displays the values of respect, commitment, continuous improvement and academic excellence. Well done Muskan and I encourage all students to demonstrate the qualities and values that Muskan displays every day at school!
Congratulations to those students identified above and I encourage all students to strive to achieve similar performances.
Year 9 and 10 students study a variety of subjects and at any one time they are experiencing a vast array of exciting and educational activities in their classrooms. This month I would like to give a quick snapshot at what has been happening in the Health and Physical Education classes at years 9 and 10. In our most recent practical unit, students have been involved in a variety of activities.
The Year 9 and 10 girls have been working with Mr Castelli completing Yoga, Zumba and Skipping activities. Feedback from the students is that they have enjoyed the opportunity to have a go at some new activities as well as being able to develop their fitness levels whilst having fun.
The Year 9 boys have been working with Mr Tonna learning about Australia’s Physical Activity Guidelines and have had their first experience designing fitness training programs and training in the college’s new weights room. Feedback from the students has been positive and many have enquired about the possibility of using this facility at lunchtimes and after school.
The Year 10 boys have been working with Mr Mckee further developing their basketball skills. It has been pleasing to witness the improvement of their dribbling, passing and shooting skills. Furthermore, students are now beginning to understand and incorporate the various game strategies into their matches. The basketball classes have been most enjoyable and the highlight of one recent game is when Mazen El-Helwani scored from the half court line to win the match with 1 second to play!
Unfortunately due to current health restrictions, work experience for year 10 students will be postponed until term 3. Therefore, all year 10 students will attend classes as normal for the last 2 weeks of term. Also, it is that time of the year when students are required to make final subject selections and course preferences for 2022 at JFC. Registrations are now open for our current year 10 students to make bookings for year 11 2022. Simple log into compass and book a Course Counselling Session with our Careers and VET coordinator Kathy Miller. It is very important that these bookings are made before the end of term 2.
Finally, as we head toward the end of another busy term, the college would like to wish all students and parents an enjoyable and relaxing term 2 break and look forward to welcoming students back for term 3.
Graham McKee
Sub School Coach - Middle Years