Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Well done to those students completing their work online. You are all doing a fabulous job. Grades P-2 started their concert song with singing on Seesaw.

Grade 3-6 looked at Aboriginal/Indigenous performers and responded to questions in regards to the performances, on google classroom.

Keep up the great work everyone.


Production - Oh What a Knight

Lockdown is not going to stop us from rehearsing! We have had a great time reading out our lines over Google Meets. Your child should have been 'invited' to join the Production - Oh What a Knight class. This should have come through on their email. If it has not, please ask your child to email me, as I need their email address to add them and I don't have access. My email is at the bottom of this article.


Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 1:30. The Google Meet link is on the top of the Production class stream page. We have had lots of fun and laughter, with how great they have sounded and acted. On Tuesday I rehearsed a few students in groups. On Thursday I rehearsed Scene One. This Tuesday 8 June at 1:30 I would like to see those in Scene Two with their script and a pencil/pen. On Thursday 10 June at 1:30 I would like to see those in Scene Three and Scene Four with their script and pencil/pen.


If your scene hasn't come yet, please keep practising your lines and actions. I will see you as soon as I can.


Tuesday 8 June 1:30 (Scene Two) -




Jolly Jake the Jester


Earl Axminster

All of the Squires





Thursday 10 June 1:30 (Scene Three and Four)


Bad Bill

Bad Ben/Brianna

Bad Bob/Bonnie

Bad Bert

Bad Brian



Black Knight


Cindy Calvin

Katie Klein






Thank you.


Any queries, please don't hesitate to email me.


Mrs Jenes