L’ Angolo Italiano…
*2021 ITALIAN DAY*- important information for families about food allergies.
In Term 3, ACPS will celebrate Italian language and culture in a colourful day, jam-packed with exciting activities. Stay tuned for more details to come over the next weeks.👍
During the day, all students will have the opportunity to make their own PAPPARDELLE, a traditional type of long pasta and bring them home to share with their families.
For the purpose of this culinary workshop, it is crucial to know the students who are EGG FREE and GLUTEN FREE so they can be divided in the appropriate groups and work in total safety.
If your child/ren is EGG or GLUTEN free and this information has been already disclosed to the Office, you do not need to communicate it any further.
If your child/dren is VEGAN or has been diagnosed EGG/ GLUTEN free recently and you have not communicated it yet, please send me an email to notify it so we can add this information to the school food allergy list. Make sure to include your kid/kids' name, last name, class and food intolerance. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please note that the pasta making activity is completely NUT FREE.
For any concerns or information, feel free to contact me:
A presto/ see you soon
Ginevra De Benedetti
Italian teacher