Principal's Report
Thank you for your continued fabulous work on the home front. The teachers provide me with feedback each day and speak so highly of our parent community and of the support you provide them with the teaching and learning program. Keep up the terrific job and we look forward to seeing the children back onsite from Friday 11 June.
Guidelines for Students and Teachers during Lockdown
Below are a set of guidelines for student expectations during the remote learning program.
On Site leaning
Students who are attending school during the lock down period will:
-Complete the same program as the students working remotely, unless they are an SSG or PSD student or a student working with an Individual Learning Program set by their classroom teacher.
-Students will attend the morning meeting with their class only. They will not attend the afternoon reflection meeting as this can be done with the teacher and students at school.
Teachers who are attending school to supervise students will:
-Only run the morning meeting with their class. This meeting will be kept brief (10-15 minutes maximum). This is just to mark the roll and explain tasks. The teacher will inform their students during the morning meeting that there will be no afternoon meeting.
Remote learning
Students are expected to:
-Attend the morning meeting each day with their class.
-Complete and submit all tasks set for the day.
-Take part in one small group Literacy and Numeracy session per week with their classroom teacher (beginning Week 9).
-Take part in the TLI meeting (if enrolled). This meeting takes priority over the classroom teacher’s meeting as there may be a clash in times.
-At all times follow our eSmart practices and adhere to our online etiquette at all times.
Classroom teachers will:
-Run one whole class meetings each day at the designated time.
-Provide one Literacy and one Numeracy small group session with every child each week.
-Provide written or verbal feedback on one writing, reading and maths activity each week (please c.
Specialist teachers will:
-Post one lesson per year level.
-Mark completed/handed in work.
Italian – 5 /6, 3 /4
Art – Prep, 1 /2
Performing Arts – 5/ 6, 3 /4
Art – 3 /4, 5 /6
PE – 1 /2, 5 /6, Prep
Performing Arts – Prep, 1 /2
Italian – Prep, 1 /2
PE – 3 /4
TLI sessions
-Students currently enrolled in the TLI program are expected to attend two meetings per week.
-These meetings will take priority over any other meeting at that time. Classroom teachers, where possible, will avoid clashes between small group meetings and TLI meetings, though this may not always be possible.
Multi-Lit Sessions
-Students taking part in Multi-Lit sessions will their aide will continue to have online meetings. These meetings will take priority over the small groups meeting should there be a clash in times.
MiniLit Sessions
-Next week there will be no MiniLit sessions.
Our school will continue with all health and safety advice and expectations including wearing face masks, hand sanitising and social distancing. The cleaners are sanitising the school on a daily basis including toilets and other high use areas.
Just a reminder, Monday 14 June is the Queen's birthday public holiday followed by our Curriculum Day on Tuesday 15 June. Please ensure you contact me should you have any queries or concerns regarding this communication.
There is a wealth of support services and information available to community members.
Our weekly articles from Robyn - See Chaplain's Corner.
The COVID-19 website gives Victorians access to COVID-19 information through a single destination.
Access a range of wellbeing activities for families of primary school aged children.
Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers from birth to 18 years old. They offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues. Call 132289.
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
Kids helpline is Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Lifeline connects people with care by providing services in suicide prevention, crisis support and mental health support.
Headspace -
Headspace helps young people who are going through a tough time, helping thousands of young people to get their lives back on track. They can help you with general health, mental health and counselling, education, employment and other services, alcohol and other drug services.
We look forward to getting all the students back to school and wish you all a safe and happy weekend.
Sue Dyos