Performing Arts

Improvisation and Synchronisation

As we close out the semester, SLC completed and performed their scripts based on Edward do Bono's Six Thinking Hats. SLC has recently been introduced to Gordain Oliver, a celebrity chef who has written a cookbook. They were encouraged to help out with completing Gordain's book by using the 7 “Author's Craft”: alliteration, onomatopoeia metaphor, idiom, hyperbole, personification, and simile. 

Please enjoy below one of Gordain's incredible recipes that you may enjoy making with your own family. Perhaps you'll understand why his cookbook needed a little help from our SLC after viewing his recipe.


MLC has been experimenting with synchronised sound and movement to counts of eight. In small groups, they have created synchronised routines using just bodies and chairs. They explored different percussive sounds and formations to create a compelling performance. 


JLC has continued to explore human emotions and dramatic improvisation. They finished their mime routine which involves mime walking, throwing and catching, and of course, human emotions.


Preps continue to learn more about Professor Sevenwell who loves the number seven. They have learned some of his songs and continue to explore the mysteries of Ultraviolet and the Seven Little Wonders. They continued to learn and practice short and punchy comic skits. 


Recently we have rehearsed a skit that takes place in a busy office with a mean boss, lots of busy workers, and a human lightbulb!


Kind Regards


Mr. Jon Bode

Performing Arts and Music Teacher