News from MLC

Inquiry and Class Sport

This term in Inquiry, the students have been learning about changes throughout history. They have been considering changes in their own lives in the context of Australian history. We have been discovering the journey of different explorers who have left behind an important legacy.


These explorers included Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, and Vasco da Gama. 

Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been researching these explorers and their history. They will use this information to present their findings to the class in a group presentation. 


They have been working very well in groups of four to gather information and answer questions about their chosen explorer. Group projects provide the students with the opportunity to work collaboratively with other students.


In Class Sport, the children love playing dodgeball. Every Tuesday, MLC get their competitive juices flowing by trying to outmaneuver and dodge the balls until one team is left standing. It is such a joy to see how much fun the students have during the game. The yard is filled with laughter and great sportsmanship. I am so proud of the effort MLC put into the game and how supportive they are with not only their teammates but with their peers on the opposition team as well.

Kind Regards


Mr. Tom Brophy

MLC Classroom Teacher