News from the Art Room

Visual Arts with Miss Wills

This term has been a topsy turvy one for Art and both the students and myself have enjoyed being back in the Art room and getting our art on again this past few weeks. During remote learning Art focused on the ideas of creativity and imagination involving open ended activities where children could explore and create freely. Some tasks were also more prescriptive which involved guided drawing by following a set of instructions. SLC students particularly enjoyed these tasks and created some wonderful bears and illustrated selfies with a puppy face filter.

By Mackenzie SLC
By Mackenzie SLC


Prep students have continued to explore their love of paint and different techniques of application including the usual brushes, but also sponges and string. They love seeing the magic of the primary colours mixing together and the many different colours they can make. 


JLC, MLC and SLC have all been using recyclable materials and plaster to create bottle people or Keith Haring figures which are coming along wonderfully. The plastering is a process that requires care and precision and I have been delighted with how diligent the students are being with their application of this new medium. Most students have now completed the plastering stage and will begin or continue the decorating stage next term. This will involve using paint, textiles and wool to create clothing, hair and facial features. MLC students will be selecting bright, bold colours to paint their figures, much like Keith Haring did.


Miss Carly Wills

Visual Arts Teacher