Senior Learning Community

What learning has been happening SLC?

Art with Mr Brophy

It was great to be back in the classroom face-to-face with the students. The students and I did an art lesson in the classroom that involved the students watching a step-by-step guide on how to create a dog filter for a selfie. The students drew themselves with a dog nose and tongue. The students responded really well to the instructions and the end result was amazing!  great. I was so impressed with the way the students followed the instructions. The students had access to a range of materials and it was interesting to see the who chose which materials and how that looked in the finished product.


I asked Giselle to write a reflection about the activity.


I liked the dog selfie filter drawing because it wasn’t easy but we watched a YouTube video that helped us step by step. I liked the fact that you could draw yourself with a filter and that it ended up looking better than I thought it would. I think what would have made it even better is if the lady in the video showed us how to do other animals as well and a tutorial like the dog filter. This was a really fun lesson and I had a great time doing it.


Our Gifted Program


Over the last 2 terms some of our students have had the opportunity to work on problems aimed to challenge their thinking. Below are some of their reflections of our program. 



I liked the ‘global power sleuth’ program because I could talk about and research things I like, such as real global power detectives. The presentation about energy was fun to prepare and the classes pushed me to my limits. Our teacher was really nice and patient so that made the class more enjoyable. Extension Maths had challenging questions that were fun to do.  



I really loved extension maths because it has made me think about problem solving strategies and about thinking in general. I enjoy playing Numero and Prime Climb with our teacher and the rest of the class. 



I joined the maths extension class this Term, it was really great because we did fun problems and tricks together. The problems were created by our teacher. I really enjoyed solving some of the impossible problems because they provided me with a challenge that made me think and find multiple solutions.



This term I was in an extension class called “Global Power Sleuth”. In this extension class, we had to do a presentation about energy; how it is made and potential energy sources for the future. I quite enjoyed the fact that I could learn a subject that I like.


In the extension maths class, we learnt “Maths Tricks” which are exactly what you think they are. We also did some “Impossible Problems” which were very hard. Sometimes we had to work together because they were so hard. I enjoyed that we got to be challenged. 




Mr Tom Brophy 

SLC Classroom Teacher