News from the Music Room 

Performing Arts & Music with Mr Bode

In Performing Arts, SLC have been exploring randomness in dramatic improvisation. We created a large bucket full of random words and each of the actors would take a hand full of the words. Every time the actor spoke he or she would have to use a random word, forcing the actor to be super creative. We put these random words into scenes with multiple actors and a simple plot. There were some crazy, hilarious moments. We laughed a lot. 


MLC have also been exploring dramatic improvisation. In small groups, actors would start scenes and other actors were invited to “jump in” and create a new scene altogether. This activity was performed in front of the class. 


JLC explored human emotions, they learned to describe their feelings and how our body responds when we feel them. We had mock interviews where students were given emotions to portray and describe.


Prep students explored musical dynamics with various rhythm and pitch games and songs. The Preps were encouraged to be creative while playing the Toy Shop, an activity  where the students become toys who come to life after the toymaker has left the shop. 


Mr Bode

Performing Arts and Music Teacher