Dear Parents,


I hope you are all doing well during this time and that students are enjoying their transition to remote learning.

I have a few updates regarding maintaining privacy, communication and student emails.


As we transition to Remote Learning, it is important to consider privacy. All students completed an ICT User Agreement and all families have committed to following our school policies and procedures during 2020. Please read the following carefully as a reminder of our responsibility to be cyber safe and to maintain privacy at all times.


At MPS we ask that you:

o    Do not forward any 'Webex Meeting' links you receive

o    Do not forward any links to 'Loom' and ‘iMovie’, or any other pre-recorded lesson your child’s teacher may send you

o    Do not take screen shots, photos or videos of online class meetings being conducted via 'Webex' or 'Seesaw'

o    Keep all of your usernames and passcodes secure and do not share these with others

o    If you do receive a pre-recorded lesson from a teacher, please only view this and do not share with others. This is a private lesson for a grade or student only, teachers are not giving their consent for this content to be shared with people, via email, text or on social media platforms

o    Continue to access your child's Webex Links via 'Seesaw' or 'Google Classroom'

o    Follow the ICT User Agreements and school policies at all times


We acknowledge that it is a strange set of circumstances we find ourselves in due to COVID-19 and, at times, we may feel isolated and want to connect with others. To ensure a balance of learning and socialising, please ensure that students are communicating with their friends out of school hours. As 'Webex Meeting' times are staggered across the school, there are often students in communication with their teachers or engaged in Remote Learning tasks. Constant messaging and calls through platforms such as apps, phones, emails, social media and through gaming consoles can serve as a distraction for those trying to learn. We ask that you try to encourage your children to stay connected with their friends, but to communicate out of the usual 9:00am - 3:30pm school times.  


You recently received information regarding student emails. Due to some updated privacy settings from the Department, students WILL NOT be required to use this information to access 'Webex Meetings' to communicate with their teachers.

Please keep these credentials for the future use of education software, which will support Remote Learning should State Lock Down Laws continue further into Term 2.

Thank you so much for your consideration and support during this time; you are all doing a fantastic job.

Your positivity and willingness to engage with this new technology is truly appreciated.


Hannah Vesikko  - Technology & Wellbeing