General News

Crazy Sock Day - this Friday 28th October

Kinder 2023 Orientation Mornings

We look forward to again welcoming our new Kinder 2023 students for their Orientation mornings on:

  • Friday 28th October, 9.30-11.30am (Week 3)
  • Friday 4th November, 9.30-11.30am (Week 4)
  • Week 5, 7th-11th November - small group transition in Preschool groups (please note:  parents are required to drop off & collect your child on their designated preschool day & time) 

Children are asked to bring a hat, drink bottle and something to eat. They can wear play clothes with closed in shoes. At each Orientation visit, we ask that parents enter via the back gate on Thompson Crescent where you will be greeted by staff. 

Kindergarten 2023 - Playgroup Guest Speaker

Do you have a child starting Kindergarten next year?  If so, you are invited to join our St Edward's Playgroup on Tuesday 8th November at 10.30am in the Infants Hall with St Edward's Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs Jessica Messenger. To RSVP your attendance, please email  We would love to see you there! 

Late Arrivals

We cannot stress enough the importance of getting your children to school on time every day. There has been an increase of students arriving at school after the bell time of 8.45am. Students arriving at school late has an impact on the students themselves, the class and the teacher, not to mention the valuable learning time the students are missing if this is a regular occurrence. Please support us in ensuring your children arrive at school before 8.45am. 

Student Absences

Please remember to use the Compass App to explain all FULL DAY absences for your child, within 7 days of the absence occurring. After this time they automatically roll over into the 'unexplained' category and cannot be changed.    


Please DO NOT use the Compass App to record a PARTIAL absence (eg. attending a doctor's appointment in the middle of the day), late arrival or early pickup as it interferes with the school's Compass Kiosk normal signing in or out of children on arrival or departure.

Second Hand Clothing Pool

Have you recently had a sort through your children’s summer school uniforms and have unwanted items? If so, both the Infants and Primary Clothing Pools are in need of good quality second hand items. Items can be donated or sold on consignment with 20% commission taken by the school. Most second hand items are $5 each, girls summer tunics $10 and winter tunics $15. Please note we are in desperate need of more girls summer tunics, particularly size 8 & 10.


Please pop into either school office to look through the clothing pool or alternatively phone and the ladies will happily check availability for you.  

St Ed's P & F Golf Day - Sunday 27th November

2023 Travel Passes

Join the St Edward's Playgroup!

Our St Ed's Playgroup is held each Tuesday of term from 10am-12 noon in the Infants Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents with toddlers who are preparing to enter Kindergarten. We will be gathering together for social events, and we'll also have learning opportunities so you can get ready for big school! The playgroup is a great way to make friends, and it's also a valuable resource for getting information about our school. Information sessions plus coffee and cake will be the order of the day, as well as fun activities for the active toddler. Interested? Please contact our newly appointed Playgroup Co-ordinator (and early childhood expert), Mrs Candice Lamb, on 0402 700 039 or


Please also join our St Ed's Playgroup Facebook page where important news and information is shared about our Playgroup.   Click here for the Facebook link

Important Dates  

Friday 28th October, 9.30-11.30am

Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day 2 

Crazy Sock Day

World Teachers' Day


Friday 4th November, 9.30-11.30am

Kindergarten 2023 Orientation Day 3


Tuesday 6th December 

Presentation Night at the TREC


Friday 16th December

TERM 4 concludes (for all students)


Monday 19th & Tuesday 20th December

Pupil Free Days


Last P&F meeting for 2022 is scheduled for:

  • Tuesday 8 November @ 5:30pm (everyone welcome)

Our School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting will be held on:

  • Monday 28 November @ 5:30pm

Esteem Kids

Before school care is available in the Infants Hall.  It operates from 7:00am to 8:30am, Monday through Friday during term and breakfast is provided. After school care is also available in the Infants Hall from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday and afternoon tea is provided.


Families are encouraged to make enquiries or express interest by contacting William Wong on 0410 841 628 or email: or visit the website at


Please remember to contact (telephone or text) Esteem Kids St Edward's directly if your child is going to be absent on 0481 373 883.  Thank you.


Please follow the link to the Parenting Ideas blog. New articles are published each fortnight from Michael Grose, one of Australia’s most accomplished parenting and educational speakers.


Athletes Foot

Don't forget when you purchase your school or sport shoes at the Athletes Foot Tamworth, to mention you are a member of the St Edward's Tamworth school community. $5 from every purchase is donated back to our school. 

Armidale Diocesan Investment Group (ADIG)

Click here to visit our products page

McCarthy Catholic College Orientation Day


Free Parenting Workshops...


Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!

St Edward's Primary Tamworth