Principal's News

I attended the National Catholic Education Conference in Melbourne recently. The theme was “The future is listening”. The topics for the keynote addressed ranged from Catholic education globally, education standards, mental health and how technology is being used to make a difference in people's lives. I also attended workshops on parent engagement, faith formation and Catholic Earthcare.
One of the more thought-provoking sessions was delivered by Professor Donna Cross, a renowned Western Australian academic and researcher into mental health and wellbeing for children and families. She talked about the effects of COVID lockdowns on rural children, remote learning and returning to school for face-to-face learning. She also talked about schools as creating "sanctuaries for kids" while being challenged by school refusal and poor attendance.
My trip to Melbourne was not without its challenges. My luggage decided to stay behind in Sydney, I experienced a last-minute flight cancellation, was caught up in a demonstration at Bourke Street Mall and was "entertained" by a tram full of young AFL followers on my way back into the city. Welcome to the "new normal"!
Change To Last Day Of Term For Students
Our students will finish on Wednesday the 21st as the Prime Minister announced a National Day our Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday the 22nd. The staff will be attending the BIG WRITE / VCOP PD Day at St Nicholas's Tamworth on Friday the 23rd.
Regular School Attendance
Our attendance data shows that regular school attendance leads to learning success.
Our attendance rate is 78%. Children who are frequently away, miss important assessment tasks and are at risk of not reaching learning targets.
Unexplained absences are a major concern.
Attendance Advice to Parents - NSW Government
A day away from school here or there doesn’t seem like much but absences add up.
Going to school every day is important and Kindergarten sets children up for the rest of their Schooling.
What your child learns each day builds on what they learned the day before. If your child misses school, their learning routine is broken. Students can also lose confidence and miss out on building their friendships.
Remember to contact the school within 7 days to explain the reason for their absence.
You have a legal responsibility to send your children to school every school day.
Staff Professional Development Days
There has been a change to the scheduling of Staff Professional Development Days
(Pupil Free Days) for the remainder of the year.
Friday, September 23rd Teachers to attend the Big Write and VCOP refresher course at St Nicholas' in Tamworth
Last day of Term 3
Monday, October 10 Annual CRP recertification /
Planning for the EOY Presentation Night
First day of Term 4
Term 4 Students Return Date
Our students will return to school on Tuesday the 11th of October in their summer uniform. We encourage all students to bring their jumper/jacket as the weather can be cool in the morning.
Children are to wear black school shoes and not joggers as per school uniform policy.
Minecraft Bees
I was proud to see the children's Minecraft Bees on display at the Honey Festival. A special Thank You to Shelly Way (Principal of Warialda High School) for organising the Minecraft Bees and for providing us with the cement-rendered blocks.
Inverell Legacy President's Luncheon
Lyn Kitawal, Inverell Legacy Office Coordinator, has written to St Joseph’s on behalf of Legatee Rick Ellis President of Inverell Legacy to invite students to the annual President’s Luncheon on Sunday the 16th of October 2022. This will be held in the Inverell RSM club from midday to 3 pm.
Inverell Legacy has invited up to six representatives from our school; (2 staff members or parents and up to 4 students) to attend the luncheon at no cost. Our school attends the luncheon each year. Students who attend will sit together at a table with a legatee and they will need to wear their summer school uniform. There will be activities for the students such as a trivia challenge and poetry recitals.
We are offering the four student places for the Legacy Luncheon to students in Year 4 to Year 6. A note has been sent home as an expression of interest. Could you please return the form by Wednesday 21st September? We will contact you once we know who has been nominated to attend.
Wishing our staff, students, families and friends of
St Joseph's, a relaxing and safe school holiday.
Joe Dimech