Students of the Week- week 2

Monday 10th October, 2022

PrepEleanor Cfor having a positive start to Term 4 and for achieving so much in her reading. Well done, Eleanor!
PrepJessie Pfor choosing to do the right thing and believing in yourself more and more. We hope you are proud of yourself, Jessie!
PrepShivam Cfor taking on feedback to improve your learning. Keep up the wonderful work, Shivam!
PrepChloe Yfor always listening respectfully, trying your best and filling our buckets with kindness. Keep up the amazing work, Chloe!
2Marc Pfor being a wonderful class member and supporting others with their learning. Keep up the fantastic start to the term!
2Wun Wun Cfor being such an enthusiastic reader with Mrs King. It is great to hear your expression! Keep up the great rading Wun Wun
2Pronit Rfor his wonderful work with fractions and calcuating fractions of while numbers. Amazing work, Pronit!
2Shais Sfor his fantastic work during guided reading. We loved hearing your put on a Grandpa's voice!
2Harvey Hfor having a more positive attitude towards his writing and completing all given tasks well. Great work, Harvey!
2Anirudh Kfor having such a positive attitude towards all maths topics and showing great persistence when working out more complex equations.
4Alex cfor always displaying a positive mindset and taking responsibility for her learning. Keep it up!
4Katie Tfor always demonstrating kindess to her peers and going above and beyond in all areas of her learning. Amazing work!
4Ursulafor all your hard work on your writing. Your focus and determination has shown great improvements. Keep it up!
6Sylvie Hfor your incredible commitment to your work during our Women's Rights focus. You are so knowledgeable and passionate about this topic and you absolutely shone this week. Well done!
6AHarriet Bfor your ongoing positive attitude and commitment towards bettering yourself in your learning. We love your open mind and your strong sense of social justice. You are just a pleasure to teach.
6Gabe Sfor showing such amazing commitment to your learning and always being so willing to help others in any way needed - we are so lucky to have you in year 6, Gabe!