Hello, from our students and teachers.

News from Room 4, Ms. Jacinta Condon.


In Mathematics the Grade 5/6 students have covered a range of different topics from symmetry to area and perimeter and angles. We have used blocks to create our own patterns and identified the different lines of symmetry. We have found the area and perimeter of different shapes, we have drawn and measured angles using a protractor and we have even been working on our classroom favourite, algebra! 

Here are some pictures of our work.


Over the past 3 week we have been spending our Reader's Workshop sessions analysing poetry to identify the use of poetic devices such as rhyme, rhythm, repetition, alliteration, metaphor, simile, personification etc...

In writing sessions, students have used a range of these literary and poetic devices that they have studied to pen their own poetry pieces. 

Here are some examples of our creations. 

We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we enjoyed writing them.