Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone!

Happy World Teachers Day!

A big heartfelt thank you to our teachers, and all educators out there, who continue to support children and families every day in a myriad of ways!


Saturday 26 November, Election day BBQ and Cake stall.

On election day, our school will be a polling place and what a great opportunity that is to fundraise for our school!! (We have plans to work with our Koorie students and families to create a yarning circle in our grounds.)

We will have a BBQ and cake stall and are asking everyone to contribute in some way, either spending a couple of hours on the stall or donating home baked/home made goods.

We will send home paper plates the week before and ask that baked goods be delivered to school on Friday 25th November, or bring them to the stall on the day.

You can add your name to the roster by accessing it via this link- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VloL1ppfJJt7CMGETyU8aVCgb0n0xHnw6wvuCTLzamE/edit?usp=sharing

We are excited to be able to hold a fundraising event again and look forward to your support.


Online safety.

Technology has become such a part of our everyday lives and after two years of remote learning we have become very used to seeing our children on devices but what are they accessing on them and is it helpful or harmful?

At school we are increasingly hearing from students that they are watching inappropriate content on their devices at home, often in their bedroom at night when they can't get to sleep. Some of the content they are watching is extremely violent and is leading to them feeling anxious and unsafe. 

Technology is wonderful and has created many benefits for all of us, however, as the grown ups in our homes, we need to ensure we are monitoring our children's use, and our own! We all know how easily the time can slip by when we are checking our social media accounts or searching for a favourite recipe and before you know it you are watching You Tube clips of cooking failures!

The ESafety Commissioner website has a fantastic range of resources to support us all. Here is one of their information sheets about keeping your family safe online.


2023 Grade structures.

This term is always incredibly busy with report writing and preparation for 2023 including developing our grade structures and allocating teachers to grades. After many discussions with staff and a range of structures being proposed we have decided on our structures for 2023-

F/1, F/1, F/1, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3, 4/5, 4/5 and 5/6.

When staffing is confirmed, I will let you know.


Curriculum Day Monday.

A reminder that Monday is a Curriculum Day. YMCA is offering OSHC on the day. Please see the information on the OSHC page in the newsletter.