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Month Training Sessions
FOI Solutions offers training sessions via videoconference.
For more information or to book online, visit the training sessions page on our website.
We are presently planning our sessions for the first half of 2023. Be sure to check in to our website training page from time to time to see what is on offer. If you have any suggestions for the type of session you would like us to present, please feel free to drop us a line: marketing@foisolutions.com.au
Welcome New Staff Member
We would like to welcome Sienna Sirianni as an Administration Officer and the newest member of the FOI Solutions family.
Question Time
Q: Can an agency make a fresh decision in the course of an Information Commissioner review?
A: Yes. Under s 27 of the FOI Act and the OVIC Professional Standards, one of the decisions for which a statement of reasons must be given is a decision of an agency that ‘no such documents exist’. A statement of reasons must state the findings on any material questions of fact, refer to the material on which those findings were based and explain the reasons for the decision. The OVIC Professional Standards require that you must provide a summary of the searches undertaken (the locations searched, the method of searches and the key words used) and where practicable, explain why the relevant documents do not exist or could not be located.
Q: What do I do if Victoria Police asks for information my organisation holds that is personal?
A: Providing personal information to investigative bodies such as Victoria Police is permitted in certain circumstances. To meet the exception in IPP2.1 your organisation will either need to have reason to suspect that unlawful activity is being engaged in (or has been or may be engaged in) and disclosure is a necessary part of your organisation’s investigation of the matter or in reporting those concerns to a relevant authority, such as Victoria Police. The disclosure could be required or authorised by law. The disclosure could also occur if your organisation reasonably believes that it is reasonably necessary to disclosure the personal information for a law enforcement agency, such as Victoria Police, to do its job, such as investigate, prosecute or prevent offences. The offences could be criminal offences or those where a penalty or sanction is imposed by law. You should take steps, such as obtaining in writing and on letterhead from Victoria Police, enough information for your organisation to form the necessary belief .